For weeks, I asked some friends to join me for a viewing of a movie called "The King of Kong." MJ for one asked me to describe it, and I told her it was a documentary about guys that play Donkey Kong a lot. Uh... you're not selling me on this one, she said. Just trust me, I said.
OK, so my sell wasn't very good. (My food sells aren't so good either, it appears... Aaron states: "Your food posts turn my stomach.") But in any case, I somehow conned a couple people to join me in watching this thing, and they ended up loving it. So there, you jerks. I know what I'm talking about. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll definitely mock. I'll just point you to the theatrical trailer and ask you all to do the same thing: just trust me on this one.
Water Balloons
2 days ago
you're slow..i saw this movie like six months ago. i love documentaries. i dont think i've ever played donkey kong. i will be pacman champ of the world instead.
You should know that you're the second person whose film tastes I respect (I do respect your film tastes, don't I?) to recommend King of Kong. You must admit, though, that our reticence is well-founded: I mean, a movie about guys who play Donkey-Kong...a lot? I trust that's not how the filmmakers pitched it to the producers.
But alright, if you say so...
I may be sold on seeing this. I mean, you were also the person responsible for me seeing Rad, and my life would be incomplete without references to "ass sliding." How are you so adept at finding these wacky, little gems?
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