I was at Christopher's for brunch some time ago with my mom & DJ Dan enjoying their amazing Lobster Mac & Cheese, when the waitress came up to me and asked if she could take our bottle of Texas Pete for another guest. "Well, we don't have any more bottles of Texas Pete," she explained, "and, well... the owner of Texas Pete is sitting in the other room."
In addition to Krispy Kreme donuts, Winston-Salem is the original home to Texas Pete hot sauce, and so I find it frequently as the featured hot sauce in Winston's various Sunday brunches.
Today, DJ Dan and I did another brunch, this time at Sixth and Vine.** Most brunch entrees at Sixth and Vine come with country-style potatoes and a side of fruit -- pineapple, strawberries, and grapes. I saw DJ Dan pour something strange on top of his pineapple slices.
"You should try putting Texas Pete on your pineapple... I've never done it before, but it's pretty tasty." He said it reminded him of sort of a Thai-style sauce.
I dabbed my pineapple into a pool of Texas Pete. Mmmmm.... "You're right!"
** Winston-Salem tip: We were supposed to be joined by another friend for brunch, who never showed up... for the record Sixth and Vine is NOT the address of Sixth and Vine, and so you should not tell someone it is when they ask for directions.
Water Balloons
2 days ago
Sorry, somebody managed not to know where 6th and Vine is located?? How is that even possible?
have you ever dipped a krispy kreme donut in texas pete?
Clearly you were not waitingon a cougar, because my information is that they all know where 6th & Vine is.
SarahSouth -- yeah, I guess that combining Texas Pete and Krispy Kreme is really the next logical move...
Esbee -- Hmm... this is good information to know...
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